AlWood Alumni

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AlWood Community School District #225 web site



This is a collection of yearbook covers. Just click on one to see it in better detail (some are better than others). I have also included a few other pages. In particular, the faculty in 1955. You might be surprised how many people you either remember or who's name you recognize.

The 1950's



1955 Faculty.

The 1960's



The 1970's

yb1970.jpg (11069 bytes)  Yb1971.jpg (34126 bytes)  yb1972.jpg (28436 bytes)  yb1973.jpg (10491 bytes)  yb1974.jpg (31195 bytes)

yb1975.jpg (24029 bytes)  yb1976.jpg (48845 bytes)  yb1977.jpg (45306 bytes)  yb1978.jpg (23110 bytes)  yb1979.jpg (19394 bytes)

1976-1977 Elementary

The 1980's



The 1990's



The 2000's

Class of 2001 Seniors


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Last modified: November 23, 2008